Credits, Sources & References
The NAHC Digital Atlas was built by the California Department of Parks and Recreation on behalf of the California Native American Heritage Commission.
The Atlas was made possible in part by a generous cy pres grant from the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) Antitrust Lawsuit settlement, administered by the California Department of Justice. For more information, see
Atlas team:
Julia Lewandoski—Historian
Heidi Lucero (Acjachemen & Mutsun Ohlone)—Native American Studies Specialist
Benjamin Madley—Advisor
Jason MacCannell—Director
Eve McGlynn—Geographer
Kaylee Pinola (Kashia Pomo)—Anthropologist
Cultural Base Map:
Native American Heritage Commission, California. 2015 Directory of Tribal Governments. (NAHC2015)
Natural Resources:
Kent Lightfoot and Otis Parrish, California Indians and Their Environment. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2009. (LP2009) Used with author’s permission.
Historical Lakes & Wetlands:
United States Department of the Interior, General Land Office. Map of Public Surveys in California and Nevada to accompany Report of Commissioner of the General Land Office, 1866.
Estimated Population in 1769:
Cook, Sherburne F. The Population of the California Indians 1769-1970. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.
Trails & Trade Relationships:
Davis, James T. “Trade Routes and Economic Exchange Among the Indians of California.” University of California Archeological Survey No. 54, 1961. University of California, Berkeley Library: (JTD1961)
ESRI AP Human Geography GeoInquiry Data.
Spanish & Mexican Land Grants:
Burgess McK. Shumway, California Ranchos: Second Edition. San Bernardino: The Borgo Press, 2007.
United States Department of the Interior, General Land Office. Map of Public Surveys in California and Nevada to accompany Report of Commissioner of the General Land Office, 1866.
Treaty Lands:
W. Powell, Director. Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1896-’97. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899.
Original treaty images downloaded from California Indian History,
Transcript of treaties in Robert F. Heizer, “The Eighteen Unratified Treaties Between the California Indians and the United States Government.” Archaeological Research Facility, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. University of California, Berkeley Library:
Bounty Lands:
United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. General Land Office Records.
Reservations & Allotments:
USBIA Branch of Geospatial Support, American Indian and Alaska Native Land Area Representation (AIAN-LAR).
An American Genocide:
Note: The secondary source for all data on the California Genocide is Benjamin Madley, An American Genocide. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2016. (BM2016) Used with author’s permission. Below is an alphabetical list of primary sources and the location or provenance of the digitized versions displayed in the Atlas.
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