Public Meeting Notice and Agenda – July 16, 2024


Office Phone (916) 373-3710

Graton Resort & Casino
630 Park Court
Room: Event G
Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

This meeting will be conducted via teleconference with remote attendance. Commissioners in excess of a quorum may participate remotely.

Notices, Agendas, and supporting documents for Native American Heritage Commission Meetings and Public Hearings will be provided at the event and may also be accessed at or by written request to Confidential materials exempt.

Please click the link below to join the meeting:
To attend by telephone dial:
+1 669 900 6833
Enter the meeting ID: 845 1901 0407

Archived video of this Commission Meeting may be accessed at

Agenda items may be taken out of order.



  1. Welcome
  2. Roll Call
  3. Introduction of Commissioners and Staff
  4. Traditional Opening – Melissa Elgin, Tribal Secretary, Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria


1. Approval of Meeting Minutes, (Reginald Pagaling, Chairman) 

  1. May 3, 2024, Open Session
  2. May 3, 2024, Closed Session

2. Calendar Dates for FY 2024-25 Public Commission Meetings (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)

a. Commissioners to approve the following Commission Meeting dates:

  1. Friday, October 18, 2024, Sacramento, CA
  2. Friday, January 17, 2025, Santa Ynez, CA
  3. Friday, April 18, 2025, Location TBD
  4. Friday, July 18, 2025, Location TBD

3. CalNAGPRA CSU Systemwide/Campus Repatriation and Oversight Committee Updates and Nominations, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Staff Counsel)

  1. CSU CalNAGPRA NAHC Updates (Mario Pallari, NAHC Staff Counsel)
  2. CSU CalNAGPRA Chancellor’s Office Updates regarding AB 389 Compliance, including Systemwide Policy Development (Nathan Dietrich, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Advocacy and State Relations, Office of the Chancellor, California State University)
    CSU Sacramento
  3. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Josef Fore, Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Sacramento
  4. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Anthony Burris, CSU Member, CSU Sacramento
    CSU Dominguez Hills
  5. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Christina Conley, Non-Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Dominguez Hills
  6. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Lia Morgan Siewart, CSU Member, CSU Dominguez Hills
    CSU San Diego
  7. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Olivia Chilcote, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU San Diego
    CSU Bakersfield
  8. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Floyd Franco Jr., Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Bakersfield
  9. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Claudia Catota, CSU Member, CSU Bakersfield
  10. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Elizabeth Adams, CSU Member, CSU Bakersfield
    CSU Fresno
  11. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Joel Marvin, Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Fresno
  12. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of William Barios, Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Fresno
  13. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Dvera Saxton, CSU Member, CSU Fresno
  14. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Cristina Gonzalez, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU Fresno
    CSU Humbolt
  15. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Kayla Begay, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU Humbolt
    CSU Fullerton
  16. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Dr. Steven R. James, CSU Member, CSU Fullerton
  17. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Brenda Bowser, CSU Member, CSU Fullerton
    CSU Los Angeles
  18. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Adam Loya, Non-Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Los Angeles
  19. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Sean Milanovich, Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Los Angeles
    CSU Long Beach
  20. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Kelly Leah Stewart, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU Long Beach
    CSU San Francisco
  21. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Laverne Bill, Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU San Francisco
    CSU Sonoma
  22. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Silvia Soto, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU Sonoma
  23. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Thomas Whitley, CSU Member, CSU Sonoma
    CSU Chico
  24. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Shane Noel, Non-Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Chico
  25. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Kyle McHenry, Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Chico
  26. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Matthew Hatcher, Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Chico
  27. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Amber Noel-Camacho, CSU Member, CSU Chico
  28. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Cole Morales, CSU Member, CSU Chico
  29. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Dawn Rewolinski, CSU Member, CSU Chico
  30. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Ryan Pattan, CSU Member, CSU Chico
  31. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Stefani Baldivia, CSU Member, CSU Chico
  32. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Deserea Langley, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU Chico
  33. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Rachel McBride-Praetorius, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU Chico
    CSU Northridge
  34. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of John Cody Blunt, Non-Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Northridge
  35. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Jeffrey Reeder, CSU Member, CSU Northridge
    CSU San Jose
  36. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Kerri J. Malloy, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU San Jose
    CSU Channel Islands
  37. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Edgar Perez, Non-Federally Recognized Tribal Member, CSU Channel Islands
  38. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Alex Padilla, CSU Member, CSU Channel Islands
  39. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Jennie Luna, CSU Native American Studies Member, CSU Channel Islands


4. Pending litigation: City of Corona v. Native American Heritage Commission, Superior Court of Riverside County, Case No. CV-RI-24-00445 (Government Code, § 11126(e)(1), (2)(A)


5. Draft Contact List Regulations Update, (Michelle Carr, Chief Counsel) [Contact List and Mediation Regulations Updates]

6. Draft CalNAGPRA Dispute Resolution Mediation Regulations Update, (Michelle Carr, Chief Counsel)

7. Draft Most Likely Descendant(s) Process Regulations Update, (Michelle Carr, Chief Counsel)

8. Sacred Lands Inventory & Summaries Process Regulations Update, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)

9. CalNAGPRA UC Systemwide/Campus Repatriation and Oversight Committee Update, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Staff Counsel)

10. Executive Secretary Report, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)

11. Digital Atlas, 6-Month Commission Update, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)

12. Draft 2024-2029 Strategic Plan Update, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)

13. Commissioner Reports

PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.

Please email any public comments to by 4:00PM Friday July 12, 2024.  Comments received after this time will not be accepted. All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line, your name, who you represent, and the subject you wish to address. Written comments will be acknowledged and entered into the record.

The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.

4:00 PM — ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 4:00 PM, whichever is first.

* Any person who has a disability and requires accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the Native American Heritage Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at no later than five days prior to the meeting. Our website address is: Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC