Under the administrative direction of the Executive Secretary, the Chief Counsel serves as the principal legal adviser to the Executive Secretary and the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) providing advice and counsel to ensure internal compliance with control agency laws, regulations, and policies.
The Chief Counsel plans, directs, organizes, and manages NAHC’s Legal Department staff in enforcing state laws that protect Native American cultural resources on public and private lands; approves high-level policy decisions for the rule making process; responsible for overseeing administrative hearings required under CalNAGPRA and enacting policy and regulations implementing those administrative hearings; and oversees outside litigation counsel regarding any NAHC litigation matters.
As Chief Legal Strategist, the Chief Counsel anticipates legal challenges to laws enforced by the NAHC and creates defense strategies to uphold those laws.
CalCareers: Chief Counsel CEA_JC-344081
Office Phone (916) 373-3710
Email: nahc@nahc.ca.gov
Friday, December 9, 2022
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Commissioners will participate remotely. The public may participate and provide public comment during the public comment periods by telephone or zoom, and otherwise observe remotely in accordance with Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act per Executive Order No. 25-20:
“All requirements in both the Bagley-Keene Act and the Brown Act expressly or impliedly requiring the physical presence of members, the clerk or other personnel of the body, or of the public as a condition of participation in or quorum for a public meeting are hereby waived. In particular, (i) any otherwise-applicable requirements that state and local bodies notice each teleconference location from which a member will be participating in a public meeting.”
All meeting materials will be provided at the meeting, NAHC Website – https://nahc.ca.gov or written request to nahc@nahc.ca.gov.
Live audio streaming and archived audio of this Commission meeting may be heard at https://videobookcase.org/nahc/2022-12-09/.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or Telephone:
USA 214 765 0479 US Toll
USA 888 278 0296 US Toll-free
Conference code: 596019
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
- Traditional Opening
- UC Repatriation Committees Nominations – (UC Nominations Subcommittee, Reggie Pagaling and Stanley Rodriguez, Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Testimony on UC Systemwide Outreach for Qualified Candidates from Lourdes Demattos, Director, UC Office of the President
- Consider Nomination of Lauren Peters to UC Systemwide Repatriation Committee, UC Davis, Non-Voting position, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Testimony of Megon Noble, Repatriation Coordinator, UC Davis
- Consider Nomination of Prof. Seth Davis to UC Berkely Campus Repatriation Committee, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Consider Nomination of William Clarke-Kidder to the UC Riverside Repatriation Committee, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Consider Nomination of Gerald Clarke to UC Riverside Campus Repatriation Committee, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Testimony from Steven Mandeville-Gamble, University Librarian, UC Riverside
a. Systemwide Repatriation Committee Non-Voting Vacancies, Update & Call for Committee Member Applicants, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- UC Davis (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- UC Berkeley
- UC Riverside
- UC Santa Barbara
b. Campus Repatriation Committee Vacancies, Update & Call for Committee Member Applicants, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- UC Berkeley (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- UC Riverside (2 Positions Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- Approval of Meeting Minutes,
a. July 15, 2022, Open Session
3. Set Date for Strategic Plan Review and Update, (Raymond C Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Laura Miranda, NAHC Chairwoman)
- Commissioner Announcements
- Update City of Corona WLF Lift Station No. 3
- Update California State Audit on Repatriation pursuant to Health & Safety Code §8028
- http://auditor.ca.gov/reports/2021-047/index.html#section1
PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.
Please email any public comments to nahc@nahc.ca.gov by 4:00PM Thursday, December 8, 2022, to be read into the record. All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line, your name, who you represent, and the subject you wish to address.
The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.
1:00 pm ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 1:00 PM, whichever is first.
*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at nahc@nahc.ca.gov. Our website address is: www.nahc.ca.gov. Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC
The Career Pathways for Native Americans in State Service panel will highlight the importance of the contributions of California Native American people in state service and help inspire and grow the number of Native Americans who work for the State of California. The focus will be on connecting with high school and college-age Native Americans and share resources and knowledge needed to plan and achieve meaningful state careers to support themselves, their communities and their ancestral lands. Topics will include the benefits of how to apply for state service, recruitment and outreach.
NativeAmerican_Career Pathways_PUBLIC (002)
Office Phone (916) 373-3710
Email: nahc@nahc.ca.gov
Location: Norco College
2001 Third Street
Norco, CA 92860-2600
Brenda and William Davis Center for Student Success – CSS 217
norco map 0921 (norcocollege.edu)
Friday, October 21, 2022,
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Agenda items may be taken out of order.
Notices and Agendas for Native American Heritage Commission Meetings and Public Hearings may be found at https://nahc.ca.gov.
All meeting materials will be provided at the meeting, NAHC Website – https://nahc.ca.gov or written request to nahc@nahc.ca.gov.
Confidential materials are exempt.
Live audio streaming and archived audio of this Commission Meeting may be heard at https://videobookcase.org/nahc/2022-10-21
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
- Traditional Opening
CLOSED SESSION – Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative Only
- Pending Litigation
(Government Code sections 11126(e)(1), (e)(2)(A), (e)(2)(C)(i))
- City of Corona WLF Lift Station No.3, Matter involving MLD Designation
- Commission Review of Staff MLD Determination Process for City of Corona WLF Lift Station No. 3.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes,
- July 15, 2022, Open Session
- Appointment of “Contact List” Sub-Committee Member to replace recently Retired Commissioner, Russell “Buster” Attebery, (Laura Miranda, Chairwoman)
11:30 am– 12:30 pm LUNCH BREAK
- UC Repatriation Committees Nominations – (UC Nominations Subcommittee, Reggie Pagaling and Stanley Rodriguez, Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Consider Nomination of Lauren Peters to UC Systemwide Repatriation Committee, UC Davis, Non-Voting position, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
- Consider Nomination of Gerald Clarke to UC Riverside Campus Repatriation Committee, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Consider Nomination of Prof. Seth Davis to UC Berkely Campus Repatriation Committee, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Systemwide Repatriation Committee Non-Voting Vacancies, Update & Call for Committee Member Applicants, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- UC Davis (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- UC Berkeley
- UC Riverside
- UC Santa Barbara
- Campus Repatriation Committee Vacancies, Update & Call for Committee Member Applicants, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- UC Berkeley (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- UC Riverside (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- “See Above”
- NAHC Trailer Bill Language, Contact List & Most Likely Descendent List APA Exemptions, Bagley-Keene Exemptions for Commission Meetings regarding Contact List & Most Likely Descendent, Update/ Commission to consider recommending NAHC Staff to coordinate with the Administration to pursue legislative fixes similar to last legislative session’s NAHC Trailer Bill in the upcoming session, Info#2_NAHC Steamlining Leg Changes Info#2_NAHC Proposed Budget Trailer Bill Lang Info#2_Entire Budget Trailer Bill (Raymond C Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Justin Freeborn, NAHC Attorney)
- Draft Contact List Regulations, 60-Day Tribal Consultation, APA Process Update, Info#3_Contact List APA Timeline (Raymond C Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Justin Freeborn, NAHC Attorney)
- CalNAGPRA Draft Dispute Resolution / Mediation Process Regulations, Update, Info#4_Updated Timeline CalNAGPRA Mediation Regs (Justin Freeborn, NAHC Attorney, Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, John Appelbaum, Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice)
- NAHC Four Year Strategic Plan – 2023-2027, (Laura Miranda, Chairperson, Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
- Executive Secretary Report, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
- Commissioner Reports
PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.
Please email any public comments to nahc@nahc.ca.gov by 4:00PM Thursday, October 20, 2022, to be read into the record. All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line, your name, who you represent, and the subject you wish to address.
The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.
4:00 pm ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 4:00 PM, whichever is first.
*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at nahc@nahc.ca.gov. Our website address is: www.nahc.ca.gov. Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC
Under general direction of the Chief Deputy Executive Secretary, the Office Technician (T), (OT (T)is responsible for a broad spectrum of clerical and administrative duties in order to Support the Environmental and Cultural Division, Administrative Division, Chief Deputy Executive Secretary, and Executive Secretary. The OT (T) will be required to work closely with Environmental and Cultural Division staff to perform education and outreach efforts and be expected to complete tasks utilizing high originality of creativity to contribute to NAHC strategic goals. The OT (T) will need to have the ability to exercise a high degree of initiative and independent judgment to carry out assigned tasks with minimal supervision and direction. The OT (T) must work in a team environment, have strong communication skills, work well under pressure, and meet short deadlines.
CalCareers link: JC-319766 Office Technician (Typing)
2022-23 FY NAHC Quarterly Commission Meeting Dates – Locations TBD
- October 21, 2022
- January 20, 2023
- April 21, 2023
- July 21, 2023
Office Phone (916) 373-3710
EMAIL: nahc@ca.gov.
Location: East End Complex Common
1500 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814
Room 172
Friday, July 15, 2022
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Agenda items may be taken out of order.
Notices and Agendas for Native American Heritage Commission Meetings and Public Hearings may be found at https://nahc.ca.gov.
All meeting materials will be provided at the meeting, NAHC Website – https://nahc.ca.gov or written request to nahc@ca.gov.
Confidential materials are exempt.
Live audio streaming and archived audio of this Commission Meeting may be heard at https://videobookcase.org/nahc/2022-07-15/
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
- Traditional Opening, Daniel Fonseca, Cultural Resources Director, Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians
- Approval of Minutes
- April 29, 2022
- April 29, 2022 – Closed Session
- NAHC Commissioners’ Discussion and Proposed Response to University of California, Berkeley, May 16 Letter to Chairperson Miranda and NAHC Commissioners, Laura Miranda, Chairwoman
- CalNAGPRA Statutory Mediation Process, John Appelbaum, Deputy Attorney General
- Adopt Proposed Cover Letter, CalNAGPRA Statutory Mediation Process, Raymond C Hitchcock, Executive Secretary
11:30 am – 12:30 pm – LUNCH BREAK
- CalNAGPRA Draft Dispute Resolution / Mediation Process Regulations, 60-day Tribal Consultation Period, Mediation Regulations Sub-Committee, (Commissioners Dutschke and Pagaling), Justin Freeborn, NAHC Attorney
- UC Repatriation Committees Nominations – UC Nominations Subcommittee (Commissioners Rodriguez and Pagaling), Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, John Appelbaum, Deputy Attorney General
- Consider Nomination of Lauren Peters to UC Systemwide Repatriation Committee (UC Davis, Non-Voting position)
- Consider Nomination of Vincent Gomez to UCSB Campus Repatriation Committee
- Systemwide Repatriation Committee Non-Voting Vacancies
- UC Davis (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- UC Berkeley
- UC Riverside
- UC Santa Barbara
- Campus Repatriation Committee Vacancies
- UC Davis
- UC Santa Barbara (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- NAHC Four Year Strategic Plan – 2023-2027. Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary
- Set Date, Time & Location for Public Discussion on NAHC Direction and Goals
- NAHC Quarterly Commission Meeting Dates – 22-23 FY
- October 21, 2022
- January 20, 2023
- April 21, 2023
- July 21, 2023
- Draft Contact List Regulations Update, Justin Freeborn, Enforcement Attorney
- Executive Secretary Report, Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary
- Commissioner Reports
PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.
Please email any public comments to nahc@nahc.ca.gov by 4:00PM Thursday, July 14, 2022, to be read into the record. All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line, your name, who you represent, and the subject you wish to address.
The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.
4:00 pm ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 4:00 PM, whichever is first
*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at nahc@nahc.ca.gov. Our website address is: www.nahc.ca.gov. Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC
Office Phone (916) 373-3710
Email: nahc@nahc.ca.gov
Location: East End Complex Common
1500 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814
Room 172
Friday, April 29, 2022
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Agenda items may be taken out of order.
Notices and agendas for Native American Heritage Commission meetings and public hearings may be found at https://nahc.ca.gov.
All meeting materials will be provided at the meeting, NAHC Website – https://nahc.ca.gov or written request to nahc@nahc.ca.gov.
Confidential materials are exempt.
Live audio streaming and archived audio of this Commission meeting may be heard at https://videossc.com/NAHC/.
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Introduction of Commissioners, Executive Secretary, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
- Traditional Opening
CLOSED SESSION – Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative Only
- Pending Litigation/Litigation Exposure (Government Code sections 11126(e)(1), (e)(2)(B)(i).
- CalNAGPRA Mediation Process
- Contact and Most Likely Descendants Lists: Graton Rancheria and Pechanga Band’s Requests for Moratoria
- Weiss v Perez Case No. 5:22-cv-00641-BLF
1:00 pm ACTION
- Approval of Minutes
- July 30, 2021
- July 30, 2021 – Closed Session
- January 21, 2022
- January 21, 2022 – Closed Session
- Appointment of Stanley Rodriguez to NAHC UC Policy Subcommittee. John Appelbaum, Deputy Attorney General
- NAHC Strategic Plan Update, Laura Miranda, Chairperson
- Tribal Cultural Resources Law Project, Summary of Grant Deliverables, Christine Williams, UC Davis
- Executive Secretary Report, Raymond Hitchcock, Executive Secretary
- Commissioner Reports
PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 5 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.
Please email any public comments to nahc@nahc.ca.gov by 4:00PM Thursday, April 28, 2022, to be read into the record. All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line. Please include your name, who you represent, the agenda item or concern you wish to address.
The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.
4:00 pm ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 4:00 PM, whichever is first.
*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at nahc@nahc.ca.gov. Our website address is: www.nahc.ca.gov. Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC
The April 15, 2022 NAHC Commission Meeting has been rescheduled and will be held on April 29, 2022. The meeting will take place in person in Sacramento, and will not be utilizing Zoom or a hybrid model. Time and location to be announced.
Please email nahc@nahc.ca.gov if you have any questions.
Governor Gavin Newsom announced the following appointments to the Native American Heritage Commission:
Isaac Bojorquez, 47, of Sacramento, has been appointed to the California Native American Heritage Commission. Bojorquez is an enrolled member of and has been Tribal Chairman for the KaKoon Ta Ruk Band of Ohlone-Costanoan Indians of the Big Sur Rancheria since 2018. He held several positions at the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation between 2000 and 2021, including Director of Cultural Resources and Executive Assistant of the Tribal Gaming Agency. Bojorquez was a Security Screener at the Transportation Security Administration from 2003 to 2004, Detention Officer I and Deputy Probation Officer Intern at Yolo County Probation from 1999 to 2000 and Supervisor at Valley Media Inc. from 1994 to 1999. This position requires Senate confirmation and there is no compensation.
Sara Dutschke, 43, of Oakland, has been appointed to the California Native American Heritage Commission. Dutschke has been a Partner at Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell since 2019 and is an enrolled member of and has been Chair for the Ione Band of Miwok Indians since 2018. She was an Attorney at Dentons US LLP from 2010 to 2019, Associate at Karshmer & Associates from 2006 to 2010 and Program Analyst and Administrative Officer at the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs Pacific Regional Office from 1998 to 2006. She earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Native American Studies from the University of California, Davis. This position requires Senate confirmation and there is no compensation.
Buffy McQuillen, 48, of Mendocino, has been appointed to the California Native American Heritage Commission. McQuillen is a descendant of Yokayo Pomo, Yuki, Nomlaki and an enrolled Tribal Citizen of Round Valley Indian Tribes. She has been Tribal Heritage Preservation Officer at the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria since 2015. McQuillen held several positions at the Yurok Tribe between 2001 and 2015, including Acting Assistant to the Social Services Director and Youth Outreach Coordinator and Repatriation and Cultural Collections Manager. She was Repatriation Specialist for Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation from 2012 to 2013. This position requires Senate confirmation and there is no compensation.
Wayne Nelson, 41, of Pala, has been appointed to the California Native American Heritage Commission. Nelson is an enrolled member of the La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians and has been Culture Resource Manager at Native Ground Monitoring, Research and Consulting since 1999.
Stanley Rodriguez, 63, of Santa Ysabel, has been appointed to the California Native American Heritage Commission. Rodriguez has been Director of the Kumeyaay Community College since 2018, Adjunct Instructor at California State University, San Marcos since 2017, Kumeyaay Language Instructor at Kumeyaay Community College since 2005 and Instructor and Advisor at the Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor School since 1995. Rodriguez served as an E-5 in the U.S. Navy from 1985 to 1991. He is an enrolled member and serves as a Council Member of the Santa Ysabel Band of the Iipay Nation. Rodriguez earned a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership from the University of California, San Diego and a Master of Arts degree in Human Behavior from National University.
The Native American Heritage Commission is hiring one Legal Analyst-CalNAGPRA position. The Legal Analyst-CalNAGPRA, will provide paralegal support for the Deputy General Counsel by performing paralegal duties to support the implementation of, adoption of regulations, and conduct of mediations administrative proceedings for CalNAGPRA.
JC-277468 –
The California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) is currently seeking the input of California Native American tribes on the development of regulations concerning the qualifications and process for placement on the NAHC Contact List.
This notification is being sent to update the contact information that tribes should utilize when requesting consultation.
Any California Native American tribe that wishes to have official consultation with the NAHC should request consultation at the following email: Tribal.Consultation@nahc.ca.gov
Tribes may also contact NAHC via phone at (916) 373-3710 to request a consultation on the pending Contact List regulations.
The NAHC anticipates holding an additional listening session after the new year. Information on the listening session will be sent at a future date.