The Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) approved the release of the Draft Contact List Regulations for a 90-day first round tribal comment and consultation period on October 20, 2023. The NAHC reconvened and approved a 30-day extension of the first round tribal comment and consultation period on January 19, 2024. The summary of the comments received during the first round of the tribal comment and consultation, which ended on March 1, 2024, may be found on the Draft Contact List Regulations webpage.
The Native American Heritage Commission’s (NAHC) upcoming Commission Meeting originally scheduled for Friday, April 19, 2024 has been rescheduled to Friday, May 3, 2024. The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians have graciously offered to host the May 3rd meeting. The address and facility information will be provided on the NAHC’s homepage upon the finalization of the agenda.
For more information, please feel free to contact us at
The Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) is looking for qualified individuals for nomination to the California State University (CSU) Systemwide and Campus, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Implementation and Oversight Committees. These Committees will provide the CSU with expertise to ensure compliance with NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA, and will make recommendations to the CSU Chancellor on matters of compliance and best practices. The Systemwide Committee will also establish directives and guiding principles to help guide all CSU campuses. For campuses that have ancestral remains and cultural items, there will also be campus-based committees formed to assist in their repatriation efforts. Priority Systemwide Committee nomination deadline is Friday, February 02, 2024. CSU Campus Committee nominations will be an ongoing process.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please email . The CSU Systemwide and Campus Nomination Form and Qualification information may be found here.
The Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) is looking for qualified individuals for nomination to the California State University (CSU) Systemwide and Campus, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Implementation and Oversight Committees. These Committees will provide the CSU with expertise to ensure compliance with NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA, and will make recommendations to the CSU Chancellor on matters of compliance and best practices. The Systemwide Committee will also establish directives and guiding principles to help guide all CSU campuses. For campuses that have ancestral remains and cultural items, there will also be campus-based committees formed to assist in their repatriation efforts. Priority Systemwide Committee nomination deadline is Friday, February 02, 2024. CSU Campus Committee nominations will be an ongoing process.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please email . The CSU Systemwide and Campus Nomination Form and Qualification information may be found here.
Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, welcomed Steven Quinn’s appointment with this message, “It is with great pleasure I welcome Mr. Steven Quinn as our Deputy Executive Secretary of the Native American Heritage Commission. Today Steven was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to assist myself and the Heritage Commission and fill this very important role in continuing to preserve and protect our Ancestors along with helping lead our Department into the future. Steven has worked for the NAHC for many years and has a wealth of knowledge and experience we can rely upon. I am excited to have him as part of our executive team and look forward to all the amazing work he will do!”
Governor Newsom’s December 7th, 2023, appointments may be found here.
Office Phone (916) 373-3710
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Commissioners will participate remotely. The public may participate and provide public comment during the public comment periods by telephone or zoom, and otherwise observe remotely in accordance with Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act pursuant to Government Code Section 11123.2:
“In addition to the authorization to hold a meeting by teleconference pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 11123 and Section 11123.5, a state body may hold an open or closed meeting by teleconference as described in this section, provided the meeting complies with all of this section’s requirements and, except as set forth in this section, it also complies with all other applicable requirements of this article relating to the specific type of meeting.”
All meeting materials will be provided at the meeting, NAHC Website – or written request to
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or Telephone:
+1 669 900 6833
Enter the Webinar ID: 833 3527 7493
3:00 PM — CALL TO ORDER – Native American Heritage Commission
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
- Traditional Opening
1. City of Corona WRF Lift Station No. 3 Project, Risk of Litigation (Government Code, § 11126(e)(2)(B)(i). (Michelle Carr, NAHC Chief Legal Counsel)1
PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.
Please email any public comments to by 4:00PM Monday, November 20, 2023, to be read into the record. All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line, your name, who you represent, and the subject you wish to address.
The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.
6:00 PM — ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 6:00 PM, whichever is first.
[1] City of Corona, lead agency, CEQA project: where Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 5097.98 is also applicable.
*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at Our website address is: Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC
November is recognized nationwide as Native American Heritage Month. Since 1990 when the first Native American Heritage Month was proclaimed, November has been a month to reflect on our nation’s history, commemorate the contributions of Tribes, and celebrate the unique and widely diverse cultures of America’s First Peoples. Please join us in celebration by observing some of the events taking place in California this month, which will focus on honoring California’s Native American Heritage.
Click to enlarge
On October 20, 2023, NAHC Commissioners approved the release of the Proposed Draft Contact List Regulations to interested parties to review and give comment. This first step is a part of the Pre APA-Rulemaking Process and will allow tribes to give important feedback and comments to the continued formulation of these Draft Contact List Regulations. This comment period will conclude on Friday, February 02, 2024. Once initial tribal input is received, reviewed, and considered, the NAHC will summarize all comments from tribes and post the Proposed Draft Contact List Comment & Response to Comment Summary within the Proposed Regulations Tab found on our Website Homepage. Once a revised Draft is developed and potentially approved by Commissioners, the Draft Regulations will be submitted to the Office of Administrative Law to begin the formal APA-Rulemaking Process which will include a minimum 45-day Public Comment on these regulations.
For more information or questions, please contact the Native American Heritage Commission at 916-373-3710 or email us at
The NAHC is happy to release the CalNAGPRA Flowchart to assist Tribes and institutions in navigating the statutory requirements and best practices of CalNAGPRA. The CalNAGPRA flowchart is not legal advice and is only intended as a visual aid.
Additional resources may be found on the CalNAGPRA Resources and FAQ page.
This is a virtual trainings series on topics of Tribal Cultural Resources Law. This training series includes ten (10) distance learning units designed to work as standalone units, or a comprehensive training series that participants can complete at their own pace. The series was filmed over two (2) days in August 2021 on the UC Davis Campus. The training was broadcast live over a YouTube channel while it was being recorded. All of the units for this training series are available in a distance learning format utilizing video and webinar style presentations.
The Tribal Cultural Resources Law Training materials include:
- One (1) Training Series Outline with descriptions and length of each of the units. This is to enable viewers to decide if they want to view every unit or just one or a few and budget their time accordingly.
- Ten (10) Executive Summaries, one for each unit that includes Unit Title, Outline of Training, Target Outcomes, and Discussion Questions. These are meant to be used as guides to assist viewers in navigating the material that will be covered in each of the units.
- Ten (10) Videos, one (1) for each unit with a split screen of the trainer and the PowerPoint showing at the same time. These provide instructions on the topics covered in the corresponding PowerPoint slides developed for each unit.
- Ten (10) Handout Versions of the PowerPoint slides, one (1) for each unit. These are provided for those viewers who may want to follow a handout version of the slides while they listen to or watch the video presentation.
- Eight (8) Law Libraries that correspond to the law cited in each relevant unit beginning with Unit 2 and ending with Unit 9. These are to facilitate viewers referencing the code sections, if they choose to, that are mentioned in each unit.
The Tribal Cultural Resources Law Training may be accessed here.
The Native American Heritage Commission is currently soliciting nominations from qualified and passionate candidates to serve on the University of California NAGPRA Committees. Respectful repatriation rooted in meaningful tribal consultation is required by California NAGPRA (CalNAGPRA). Furthermore, CalNAGPRA requires the UC to establish both Campus and Systemwide NAGPRA Committees (Health and Saf. Code §8026). These committees are platforms for passionate advocates to ensure legal compliance, cultural respect, and the decolonization of the UC’s repatriation practices. The committees are composed of both UC and Native American representatives. The NAHC is continually accepting nominations for all positions. More information and application packets can be found here.
All Tribal representatives must meet the following criteria:
- A voting member of a California Indian tribe shall be an elder, spiritual leader, or tribal member, as designated by the governing body of the individual’s tribe, with a minimum of five years’ prior experience in any of the following:
- Repatriation pursuant to federal NAGPRA.
- Cultural resources protection under tribal, state, and federal laws.
- Consultation with state and federal entities and agencies.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns to