CalNAGPRA Resources and FAQ
- CalNAGPRA Database Submission Templates and Guidance
- Inventory and Summaries Best Practices
- NAGPRA/CalNAGPRA Integration Flow Charts
- List of Museums in California
Why has the Inventories and Summaries Database changed?
In an effort to create a more user-friendly experience for tribes and museums, the NAHC is currently reconstructing our website and databases with the goal of having a more intuitive design.
Health and Safety Code (HSC) §8013 (b)(1) had a deadline of January 01, 2022 for museums and agencies to complete inventories & summaries, and within 90-days thereafter, to send to the NAHC to post on the NAHC’s website. This was a quick timeframe to complete the necessary tribal consultation required under HSC §8013 (b) and (c). Upon posting the inventories and summaries, it has become apparent that many of the postings did not satisfy the tribal consultation required under HSC §8013 (b) and (c). However, the postings have been very helpful to tribes to research the vast database of inventories and summaries. To streamline a clear path back into compliance with CalNAGPRA, we created the Tribal Resources: Collections Database webpage to replace the Inventories and Summaries Submissions webpage. This will allow the NAHC to better track inventories and summaries moving through the various stages of repatriation on our website. This will also allow tribes to see where inventories and summaries are in the repatriation. We hope these efforts will help both tribes and museums to better understand and track the process for repatriation outlined in CalNAGPRA, which was amended by AB 275.
What is the Tribal Resource: Collections Database?
The Tribal Resource: Collections Database is the initial location that every inventory and summary is uploaded to. The Tribal Resource: Collections Database was created to contain the vast amount of inventories and summaries that have been uploaded to the NAHC’s website, yet haven’t met the requirements of Health and Safety Code §8013 (b) & (c) to be considered a preliminary inventory or summary.
Inventory and Summary Statuses in the Tribal Resource: Collections Database
Regardless of the listed status of an inventory or summary in the Tribal Resource: Collections Database, all inventories and summaries are treated as not in the preliminary or final status until they have been posted on the Inventory and Summary – Preliminary and Inventory and Summary – Final links found on the NAHC’s homepage.
How do I move my inventory or summary to a preliminary of final status?
The process for museums and agencies to move inventories and summaries to the appropriate status web page is currently under construction. In the interim, please contact and we will assist you with updating the status of the inventory and summary.