Rescheduled Quarterly Meeting: Public Meeting Notice and Agenda – May 5, 2023



Office Phone (916) 373-3710


 Location: EEC Auditorium

1500 Capitol Avenue

Sacramento, CA 95814

Friday, May 5, 2023

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Agenda items may be taken out of order.

Notices and Agendas for Native American Heritage Commission Meetings and Public Hearings may be found at

All meeting materials will be provided at the meeting, NAHC Website – or written request to

Confidential materials are exempt.

Live audio streaming and archived audio of this Commission Meeting may be heard at



  1. Welcome
  2. Roll Call
  3. Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
  4. Traditional Opening


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes
    a. January 19, 2023, Open Session
    b. January 20, 2022, Open Session
  1. NAHC Draft Contact List Regulations, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Commissioners Buffy McQuillen & Wayne Nelson)[1]
    a. Update on Status of Draft Regulations
    b. Discuss and consider Tribal Consultation process, including the Schedule, Regional Meetings (In-Person, Virtual, and Webinar), and Location(s) for consultation on the Draft Contact List Regulations.
  1. Digital Atlas, (Raymond C Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
    a. Use and purpose of the Digital Atlas.
    b. Commission discussion and determination as to whether the State Digital Atlas shall remain on the NAHC website.
  1. State Measure AB 389 (Ramos): Public resources: Native American Heritage Commission: human remains notifications: tribal contact list: public records: open meetings. (Laura Miranda, NAHC Chairwoman) [AB 389 Bill Text Amended 5-1]
    a. Discuss and Consider Commission Letter to Assemblymember James Ramos regarding State Measure AB 389. [Final Proposed Draft NAHC Letter]
  1. City of Corona WRF Lift Station No. 3 Project, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)[2]
    a. Update on City of Corona’s progress addressing NAHC 2/14/2023 letter, Most Likely Descendant (MLD) recommendations, and tribal concerns.
    b. Discuss and consider Commission recommendations to landowner, City of Corona, concerning compliance with Most Likely Descendant (MLD) Statute (Pub. Res. Code, § 5097.98). [Letter from City of Corona to Pechanga and Soboba]
    [Courtney Coyle Written Testimony]
    [Public Comment: Kara Grant]
    [Public Comment: Aurelia Torres]
  1. 2023-2027 Strategic Plan (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Laura Miranda, NAHC Chairwoman) [2018-2022 Strategic Plan]
    a. Update on the progress of Tribal Consultation
    b. Update on Strategic Plan Survey
    c. Approve Resolution containing Commission Decisions, Directives and Timelines on the Strategic Plan as discussed by Commissioners at the NAHC Public Meeting held on January 19, 2023 (Chairwoman Miranda) [Draft NAHC Resolution #2023-01] [NAHC 3780 Governor’s Budget]
    d. Review and Consider approval of Amended NAHC Tribal Consultation Policy and Draft Tribal Confidentiality Report (Chairwoman Miranda) [Chairwoman Notes for Current NAHC Tribal Consultation Policy] [Current NAHC Tribal Consultation Policy]


  1. East Bay Hills Website, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Legal Counsel)
    a. Update on NAHC letter to remove sacred sites from their website.
  1. Executive Secretary Report, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary) [Executive Secretary Report]
  1. Commissioner Reports

PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.

Please email any public comments to by 4:00PM Thursday, May 4, 2023, to be read into the record.  All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line, your name, who you represent, and the subject you wish to address.

The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.

4:00 pm                 ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 4:00 PM, whichever is first.


[1] The contact list originally established pursuant to SB 18 (Section 65352.3 of the Government Code), and also included in CEQA (Cal. Pub. Res. Code §21074) and CalNAGPRA (Cal. H&S §8012(c)), among other State statutes.

[2] City of Corona, lead agency, CEQA project: where Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 5097.98 is also applicable.

*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at Our website address is: Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC