October 20, 2017 – Public Meeting Notice and Agenda



Office Phone (916) 373-3710


Location: California Gambling Control Commission, Hearing Room

2399 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 220

Sacramento, CA 95833

(916) 263-4788

Friday, October 20, 2017

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Notices and agendas for Native American Heritage Commission meetings and public hearings may be found at https://nahc.ca.gov. Live video streaming of the Commission meeting may be viewed at http://www.cal-span.org.



9:00 AM                                     CALL TO ORDER – NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION

  1. Welcome
  2. Roll Call
  3. Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s representative


CLOSED SESSION – Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative Only

Pending Litigation (Government Code sections 11126(e)(1), (e)(2)(A))

  • City of San Clemente v. Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, et, Superior Court of California, County of Orange – Case No. 30-2017-00934703-CU-PT-CXC (Government Code sections 11126(e)­­­(1), (e)(2)(A))
  • The Reserve Maintenance Corporation v. Foothill Eastern Transportation, et al., Superior Court of California, County of Orange – Case No. 30-2017-00934717-CU-WM-CXC (Government Code sections 11126(e)­­­(1), (e)(2)(A))



  1. Traditional Opening
  2. Closed Session Report – James Ramos, Chairperson
  3. Approval of Minutes – James Ramos, Chairperson, Action Item
    1. July 21, 2017
    2. September 8, 2017
    3. September 8, 2017 – Closed Session



  1. License Plate Artwork Project, Samantha Cypret, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Information Item
  2. Most Likely Descendent Regulations, Terrie Robinson, General Counsel, Information Item
  3. Strategic Plan, Debbie Treadway, Executive Secretary (Acting), Action Item
  4. UCLA/NAHC Tribal Cultural Resources Project, Terrie Robinson, General Counsel, Informational Item


                  NEW BUSINESS

  1. Commissioners’ Report, James Ramos, Chairperson, Information Item
  2. Executive Secretary’s Report, Debbie Treadway, Executive Secretary (Acting), Informational Item
  3. Annual Report, Debbie Treadway, Executive Secretary (Acting), Informational Item
  4. Sacred Lands File Fees, Terrie Robinson, General Counsel, Informational Item


PUBLIC COMMENT-– Please submit a speaker card.

The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.


12:00 PM                 ADJOURNMENT

At the end of Public Comment or 12:00 PM, whichever is first.



*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at nahc@nahc.ca.gov. Our website address is: www.nahc.ca.gov. Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC