Natural Resources Used in the Northeast Region
Sacramento pikeminnow | Freshwater fishes | Ptychocheilus grandis | Food | 297 |
Tui chub | Freshwater fishes | Siphateles bicolor | Food | 298 |
Mormon cricket | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Anabrus simplex | Food | 295 |
Salmon flies | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Plecoptera | Food | 295 |
Western pearlshell | Shellfish | Margaritifera falcata | Food | 294 |
American robin | Terrestrial birds | Turdus migratorius | Food | 299 |
Greater sage grouse | Terrestrial birds | Centrocercus urophasanius | Food | 299 |
Mountain quail | Terrestrial birds | Oreortyx pictus | Food | 299 |
Western meadowlark | Terrestrial birds | Sturnella neglecta | Food | 299 |
American porcupine | Terrestrial mammals | Erethizon dorsatum | Food; baskets; utensils | 299 |
Chipmunks | Terrestrial mammals | Tamias amoenus and minimus | Food | 299 |
Balsam-root | Herbaceous Plants | Balsamorhiza sagittata | Food | 284 |
Blazing star | Herbaceous Plants | Mentzelia albicaulis | Food | 284 |
Cow parsnip | Herbaceous Plants | Heracleum lanatum | Medicine | 285 |
Deltoid balsam-root | Herbaceous Plants | Balsamorhiza deltoidea | Food | 285 |
Desert parsley | Herbaceous Plants | Lomatium canbyi and trinertatum | Food | 285 |
Epos or ipos | Herbaceous Plants | Perideridia oregana | Food | 286 |
Fiddlenecks | Herbaceous Plants | Amsinckia | Food | 286 |
Lamb’s-quarters | Herbaceous Plants | Chenopodium fremontii | Food | 286 |
Mannagrasses | Herbaceous Plants | Glyceria | Food | 286 |
Sulphur flower | Herbaceous Plants | Eriogonum umbellatum | Food | 286 |
Wild parsley | Herbaceous Plants | Ligusticum grayi | Medicine | 287 |
Wild sunflowers | Herbaceous Plants | Helianthus | Food | 288 |
Wooly mullein | Herbaceous Plants | Verbascum thapsus | Medicine | 288 |
Yellow pond-lily | Herbaceous Plants | Nuphar lutea subsp. Polysepala | Food | 288 |
Black moss | Mosses and Ferns | Alectoria fremontii | Medicine | 283 |
Barberry | Trees and shrubs | Berberis aquifolium var. repens | Medicine | 289 |
Buckthorns | Trees and shrubs | Rhamnus | Food | 289 |
Cascara | Trees and shrubs | Rhamnus purshiana | Medicine | 289 |
Huckleberries | Trees and shrubs | Vaccinium | Food | 290 |
Klamath plum or Sierra plum | Trees and shrubs | Prunus subcordata | Food | 290 |
Mountain-mahoganies | Trees and shrubs | Cercocarpus | Weapons; tools | 290 |
Pacific yew | Trees and shrubs | Taxus brevifolia | Weapons | 291 |
Ponderosa pine | Trees and shrubs | Pinus ponderosa | Baskets; boats; fuel; building material | 292 |
Sagebrush | Trees and shrubs | Artemisia tridentata | Medicine; building material; cordage | 292 |
Skunkbush | Trees and shrubs | Rhus trilobata | Food | 292 |
Twinberry | Trees and shrubs | Lonicera involucruta | Food | 292 |
Western juniper | Trees and shrubs | Juniperus occiedentalis var. occidentalis | Food; baskets; fuel; medicine | 293 |
Western service-berry | Trees and shrubs | Amelanchier alnifolia | Food | 293 |
White fir | Trees and shrubs | Abies concolor | Boats | 294 |
*Page refers to LP2009 (Kent Lightfoot and Otis Parrish, California Indians and Their Environment. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2009.)