Natural Resources Used in the Central Coast Region
Angelica | Herbaceous Plants | Angelica tomentosa | Medicine; food; deodorant; toys | 217 |
Brodiaeas | Herbaceous Plants | Brodiaea; Dichelostemma; Triteleia | Food; regalia | 218 |
California manroot | Herbaceous Plants | Marah fabaceus | Poison | 238 |
Camases or Indian potatoes | Herbaceous Plants | Camassia | Medicine | 218 |
Cattails | Herbaceous Plants | Typha | Food; building material | 217 |
Chia | Herbaceous Plants | Salvia columbariae | Food | 218 |
Clovers | Herbaceous Plants | Trifolium | Food; medicine | 218 |
Dogbane or Indian hemp | Herbaceous Plants | Apocynum cannabinum | Cordage | 219 |
Grasses | Herbaceous Plants | Fam. Poaceae | Baskets; building material; regalia; furnishings | 219 |
Irises | Herbaceous Plants | Iris | Cordage; baskets; cooking; weapons; regalia; medicine; poisons; weapons | 219 |
Mariposa lilies | Herbaceous Plants | Calochortus | Food | 219 |
Milkweeds | Herbaceous Plants | Asclepias | Cordage; food | 219 |
Mule ears | Herbaceous Plants | Wyethia | Food | 219 |
Peppergrasses | Herbaceous Plants | Lepidium | Food | 220 |
Rushes | Herbaceous Plants | Juncus | Baskets; clothing; tools; building materials | 220 |
Sedges | Herbaceous Plants | Carex | Baskets; cordage; torches | 220 |
Soap plant | Herbaceous Plants | Chlorogalum pomeridianum | Poison; brushes; acorn processing; food; adhesives; soap | 220 |
Tarweeds | Herbaceous Plants | Madia, Hemizonia and Blepharizonia | Food | 221 |
Tules or bulrushes | Herbaceous Plants | Schoenoplectus | Building material; boats; food; clothing; baskets | 221 |
Wild ginger | Herbaceous Plants | Asarum caudatum | Medicine | 221 |
Wild mustards | Herbaceous Plants | Brassicaceae | Food | 221 |
Wild oats | Herbaceous Plants | Avena | Food | 222 |
Wild onions | Herbaceous Plants | Allium | Food | 222 |
Wild strawberries | Herbaceous Plants | Fragaria | Food | 222 |
Wild tobaccos | Herbaceous Plants | Nicotiana | Intoxicant | 222 |
Yerba buena | Herbaceous Plants | Satureja douglasii | Medicine | 223 |
Kelps | Marine Plants | Laminariales | Food; medicine; cordage | 216 |
Sea Palm | Marine Plants | Postelsia palmaeformis | Food | 216 |
Seaweeds | Marine Plants | Porphyra | Food; salt | 216 |
Ferns | Mosses and Ferns | Petridophyta | Baskets; building material; deodorant; piercing retainers | 213 |
Alders | Trees and shrubs | Alnus | Medicine; weapons; musical instruments; baskets | 223 |
Black oak | Trees and shrubs | Quercus kelloggii | Food; musical instruments | 227 |
California buckeye | Trees and shrubs | Aesculus californica | Food; tools; weapons; poison | 224 |
California hazel | Trees and shrubs | Corylus cornuta | Food; building material; weapons | 224 |
California huckleberry or evergreen | Trees and shrubs | Vaccinium ovatum | Food | 226 |
Coast live oak | Trees and shrubs | Quercus agrifolia | Food | 227 |
Elderberries | Trees and shrubs | Sambucus | Food; musical instruments; tobacco pipes; medicine | 225 |
Foothill pine or gray pine | Trees and shrubs | Pinus sabiniana | Food; medicine; adhesives; baskets | 228 |
Holly-leafed cherry or Islay | Trees and shrubs | Prunus illicifolia | Food | 225 |
Manzanitas | Trees and shrubs | Arctostaphylos | Food; tools; weapons; medicine | 226 |
Poison oak | Trees and shrubs | Toxicodendron diversilobum | Medicine; dye; baskets | 229 |
Saltbush | Trees and shrubs | Atriplex californica | Soap; food | 229 |
Tan oak or tanbark-oak | Trees and shrubs | Lithocarpus densiflorus | Food; dye; building material | 228 |
Thimbleberry | Trees and shrubs | Rubus parviflorus | Food; cooking | 229 |
Toyon | Trees and shrubs | Heteromeles arbutifolia | Food | 229 |
Valley oak or white oak | Trees and shrubs | Quercus lobata | Food; building material | 228 |
Western redbud | Trees and shrubs | Cercis occidentalis | Baskets | 229 |
Wild rose | Trees and shrubs | Rosa californica | Food; weapons | 230 |
Willows | Trees and shrubs | Salix | Baskets; clothing; medicine | 230 |
Wormwoods or mugworts | Trees and shrubs | Artemisia | Medicine | 230 |
Yerba santa or mountain balm | Trees and shrubs | Eriodictyon californicum | Medicine | 231 |
Lizards | Amphibians and Reptiles | Sauria | Food | 240 |
Salamanders | Amphibians and Reptiles | Caudata | Poison; medicine | 240 |
Snakes | Amphibians and Reptiles | Serpentes | Food | 240 |
Turtles | Amphibians and Reptiles | Testudines | Food | 241 |
Chinook or king salmon | Anadromous Fishes | Oncorynchus tshawytscha | Food | 239 |
Coho or silver salmon | Anadromous Fishes | Oncorynchus kisutch | Food | 239 |
Rainbow trout | Anadromous Fishes | Oncorynchus mykiss, formerly salmo gairdneri | Food | 239 |
Sturgeons | Anadromous Fishes | Acipenser | Food | 239 |
Crabs | Crustaceans and other water invertebrates | Cancer antennarius and c. productus | Food | 234 |
Gooseneck barnacle | Crustaceans and other water invertebrates | Pollicipes polymerus | Food | 234 |
Sea anemones | Crustaceans and other water invertebrates | Anthopleura | Food | 235 |
Sea urchins | Crustaceans and other water invertebrates | Strongylocentrotus | Food | 235 |
Sacramento Sucker | Freshwater fishes | Catostomus occidentalis | Food | 240 |
Ants | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Pogonomyrmex | Medicine | 235 |
Army worms | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Noctuidae | Food | 235 |
California gall wasp | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Andricus quercuscalifornicus | Dye; medicine; dental hygiene | 235 |
Caterpillars | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Lepidoptera | Food | 236 |
Ceanothus silk moth and polyphemus moth | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Hyalophora euryalus and antheraea polyphemus | Musical instruments | 236 |
Grasshoppers | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Caelifera | Food | 236 |
Western black widow spider | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Latrodectus hesperus | Poison | 236 |
Yellowjacket larvae | Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates | Vespula and dolichovespula | Food | 236 |
American coot | Marine birds and waterbirds | Fulica americana | Food | 241 |
Cormorants | Marine birds and waterbirds | Phalacrocorax | Food | 241 |
Ducks | Marine birds and waterbirds | Anatidae | Food; clothing; regalia | 241 |
Geese | Marine birds and waterbirds | Anatidae | Food; clothing | 242 |
Gulls | Marine birds and waterbirds | Larus | Food | 242 |
Pelicans | Marine birds and waterbirds | Pelecanus | Food; clothing; regalia; weapons; musical instruments | 242 |
Gray whale | Marine mammals | Eschrichtius robustus | Food | 245 |
Harbor seal | Marine mammals | Phoca vitulina | Blankets | 246 |
Sea lions and seals | Marine mammals | Otariidae and Phocidae | Food; bedding | 246 |
Sea otter | Marine mammals | Enhydra lutris | Clothing; blankets | 246 |
Cabezon | Nearshore Fishes | Scorpaenichthys marmoratus | Food | 237 |
Pacific herring | Nearshore Fishes | Clupea pallasi | Food | 237 |
Rockfishes | Nearshore Fishes | Sebastes | Food | 237 |
Sharks and rays | Nearshore Fishes | Subclass Elasmobranchii | Food | 237 |
Silversides | Nearshore Fishes | Atherinopsidae | Food | 238 |
Smelts | Nearshore Fishes | Osmeridae | Food | 238 |
Surfperches | Nearshore Fishes | Embiotocidae | Food | 238 |
Abalones | Shellfish | Haliotis | Food; regalia; tools | 231 |
Black turban snail and brown turban snail | Shellfish | Chlorostoma funebralis and brunnea | Food | 231 |
California oyster | Shellfish | Ostrea conchaphila | Food | 232 |
Chitons | Shellfish | Cryptochiton stelleri and Katharina tunicata | Food | 232 |
Clams | Shellfish | Bivalvia | Food; currency; regalia | 232 |
Limpets | Shellfish | Lottidae | Food | 233 |
Mussels | Shellfish | Mytilus californianus and trossulus | Food; tools; utensils | 233 |
Olive snail | Shellfish | Callianax biplicata | Food; currency; regalia | 234 |
Band-tailed pigeon and mourning dove | Terrestrial birds | Patagioenas fasciata and zenaida macroura | Food | 243 |
Blackbirds | Terrestrial birds | Icteridae | Food; baskets; regalia | 243 |
California condor | Terrestrial birds | Gymnogyps californianus | Clothing; regalia | 243 |
Crows and ravens | Terrestrial birds | Corvidae | Regalia | 244 |
Golden eagle | Terrestrial birds | Aquila chrysaetos | Regalia | 244 |
Goldfinches | Terrestrial birds | Carduelis | Regalia | 244 |
Hawks | Terrestrial birds | Accipitridae | Weapons; regalia | 244 |
Quails | Terrestrial birds | Odontophoridae | Food; baskets | 244 |
Woodpeckers | Terrestrial birds | Picidae | Regalia | 245 |
Bears | Terrestrial mammals | Ursus | Food; blankets; pets | 246 |
Black-tailed deer or mule deer | Terrestrial mammals | Odocoileus hemionus columbianus | Food; clothing; toys; tools; weapons; hair styling | 247 |
Bobcat and mountain lion | Terrestrial mammals | Lynx rufus and puma concolor | Blankets; food | 248 |
Botta’s pocket gopher | Terrestrial mammals | Thomomys bottae | Food; blankets | 248 |
Coyote and foxes | Terrestrial mammals | Canidae | Hides; food | 248 |
Hares and rabbits | Terrestrial mammals | Leporidae | Food; clothing; blankets | 248 |
Pronghorn | Terrestrial mammals | Antilocapra americana | Food | 248 |
Raccoon | Terrestrial mammals | Procyon lotor | Food; hides; pets | 249 |
Roosevelt elk or wapiti | Terrestrial mammals | Cervus elaphus roosevelti | Tools; weapons; utensils; hides | 248 |
Skunks | Terrestrial mammals | Mephitidae | Meat; hair styling; medicine; hides | 249 |
Squirrels | Terrestrial mammals | Sciuridae | Food; hides; tools; pets | 249 |
Tule elk | Terrestrial mammals | Cervus elaphus nannodes | Tools; weapons; utensils; hides | 248 |
Woodrats | Terrestrial mammals | Neotoma | Food | 249 |
Asphaltum or bitumen | Rocks and minerals | Asphaltum | Adhesives; chewing gum | 250 |
Clay | Rocks and minerals | Clay | Leavening; hair styling; tobacco pipes | 250 |
Magnesite | Rocks and minerals | Magnesite | Currency | 250 |
Obsidian | Rocks and minerals | Obsidian | Tools; weapons | 250 |
Salt | Rocks and minerals | Sodium chloride | Seasoning; preservative | 250 |
*Page refers to LP2009 (Kent Lightfoot and Otis Parrish, California Indians and Their Environment. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2009.)