CalNAGPRA Database Guidance and Templates
Inventories and Summaries may be submitted HERE using the template provided here. Guidance for uploading Inventories and Summaries can be found here.
Database FAQs
What is the CalNAGPRA database and who is allowed access to its information?
The CalNAGPRA database contains inventories (itemized lists that summarize the collection of Native American human remains and associated funerary objects) and summaries (documents that summarize the collection of unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony) in the possession or control of an agency or museum. Institutions may access the database to upload, update, and edit collection information. Access to view all information contained in the database is reserved for California Indian tribes pursuant to AB-275 and for repatriation purposes only. Institutions and tribes may register for an account at
How do tribes use the CalNAGPRA database and its resources to aid in repatriation efforts?
Tribes may search the CalNAGPRA database to review inventories and summaries. To aid in the search, the database allows for queries by cultural affiliation or geographical location and each database entry contains contact information for the institution that is in possession of the collection. To aid Tribes in their search for culturally affiliated collections, a list of all of museums located in the State of California may be accessed via the link provided on the CalNAGPRA Resources page.
How are inventories and summaries uploaded into the CalNAGPRA database?
Institutions may upload each inventory or summary as a separate entry or via a bulk upload. An Excel spreadsheet must be used for bulk uploads. The bulk upload template and user guide may be accessed through the “CalNAGPRA Database Submission Templates and Guidance” link above.
Can an inventory or summary be removed from the CalNAGPRA database?
No. Only the database administrator can delete database entries. If an entry needs to be deleted, contact the database administrator at with the inventory or summary ID number of the entry you’d like removed. Before emailing the administrator, double check to ensure the ID number is correct because once the entry is deleted, it cannot be undone and will need to be recreated if deleted in error.
Which database field is used to indicate control of a collection an institution is in possession of, but does not have legal control over?
If an institution is in possession of a collection, but legal control is held by a different institution, indicate this in the “Description” field of the database. The institution with legal control does not need to submit a separate summary or inventory.
How and when are inventories or summaries changed to preliminary or final status?
Institutions complying with NAGPRA may bypass preliminary status and may move an inventory or summary status to final at any point after achieving a final status pursuant to federal law.
Institutions that do not receive federal funds and are only subject to CalNAGPRA may move an inventory or summary status to preliminary once the consultation requirement under Health and Safety Code section 8013 (b) and (c) has been met. Once consultation is complete and all consulting tribes concur with the content of the preliminary summary or preliminary inventory, the status may be changed to final.
To make a status change, locate and bring up the inventory or summary and click the “Edit” button. The status change options are located at the bottom of the page. After entry, status change requests will be transmitted to the database administrator for review. Upon approval, status changes are effective on the first business day of the next month.
Does the NAHC have form templates for institutions to use?
No, the NAHC does not have any form templates. However, institutions may download templates from the federal NAGPRA website at and modify them for usage.
Who do I contact for help with the database?
Please contact