Protecting CA Native American Sites During Drought, Wild Land Fire, and Flood Emergencies – A Guide to Relevant Laws and Cultural Resources Management Practices
It is important that California’s resources agencies be informed about the laws and best practices regarding the protection of Native American cultural sites and cultural resources. The PROTECTING CALIFORNIA NATIVE AMERICAN SITES DURING DROUGHT, WILD LAND FIRE, AND FLOOD EMERGENCIES – A GUIDE TO RELEVANT LAWS AND CULTURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES guide provides information on the protection of Native American cultural resources in the face of natural disasters such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, as well as best Native American cultural resources management practices before, during and after these potentially catastrophic events. This guide provides information on the federal and state statutes, regulations and executive orders that protect Native American human remains and associated grave goods, religious or ceremonial sites, sacred places, and archaeological sites to assist in the event these items are encountered in a natural disaster.