Executive Secretary Hitchcock’s Farewell Message

Farewell Native American Heritage Commission

It has been an absolute honor to have served the Native American Heritage Commission as the Executive Secretary for the past 2 ½ years. To be appointed by Governor Newsom to lead the Commission has been a true highlight of my professional career, so it is with sadness I will be stepping down this Friday, October 18th, after the conclusion of our Quarterly NAHC Public Meeting. I have been graciously considered and appointed to be the first full time Vice-President of the Wilton Rancheria Gaming Authority. Working for my Tribe has always been a passion and to be able to have a direct effect on our economic development, the betterment of our people, and our community, made this difficult choice a little bit easier. Serving the Commission, being a voice to help protect our Ancestors, or to help facilitate their return through NAGPRA & CalNAGPRA, is a purpose worth fighting for. I am truly blessed to have worked with such a diverse and committed Commission body led by Chairman Reggie Pagaling, and all my amazing staff members who do the heavy lifting day to day to continue our vision and mission to be voices for our Ancestors. I am leaving knowing we are heading in a positive direction and will be in good hands. Deputy Secretary Steven Quinn will take the lead as the Acting Executive Secretary in the interim. His dedication to the NAHC over the past several years, his true understanding of this state agency, the work we do, our goals and objectives, and his caring and kind demeanor is an asset I have relied upon and will carry us into the future. All the best to each and every one of you!


Kuchi Heima! (Many Blessings, Miwok)

Raymond “Chuckie” Hitchcock