CalNAGPRA Consultant Services Request for Proposal
The California Native American Heritage Commission is seeking a qualified consultant to draft the following: (1) An implementation plan for the California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (CalNAGPRA), Health and Safety Code section 8010 et seq.; (2) regulations to implement CalNAGPRA; (3) a report on currently filed and unfiled CalNAGPRA inventories and summaries; (4) internal procedures for processing, adjudicating, and mediating CalNAGPRA repatriation claims; and (5) internal procedures for collecting and updating CalNAGPRA inventories and summaries. Under the supervision of the General Counsel, the consultant will have temporary responsibility for the implementation of CalNAGPRA pending the hiring of additional staff. The consultant will also respond to comments received on proposed CalNAGPRA regulations during the Administrative Procedure Act rulemaking process as well as lead tribal consultation on proposed CalNAGPRA regulations. The consultant will provide Commissioners and Commission staff expert advice on the adoption of final CalNAGPRA regulations. The consultant will attend Commission meetings, Commission public hearings, Commission staff meetings, and Commission rulemaking hearings as required. The consultant will give presentations on CalNAGPRA and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act as required.
You are invited to review and respond to the Request for Proposal (RFP), “California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (CalNAGPRA) Consultant – RFP 2017-15.”